Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Very few men capture my heart.

Honestly, I could dedicate this whole blog to one person: Gene Kelly. One of my goals I had when I was younger was to watch every film on AFI's 100 greatest movies of all time. I can say I have successfully done so. When it came to the top 10 movies, Singin' in the Rain

took number 10. I knew I had to see it, and of course I loved it. More importantly, I grew fond of Gene Kelly.

First off, Donald O'Connor is a wonderful dancer, but Gene Kelly can not only dance, but make it look easy. The scene where he is dancing in the puddles and rain is very hard to do, and Kelly made it look effortless. He makes other's wish they could dance, and almost think they can, just by watching how he well he does. Kelly is what we call today a triple threat, and I think he should be given more credit then what he has been given.

Getting into the Artificiality of the film, I feel like that was the whole point of the movie. The reason why it was so jumpy and scenes were switching quickly one into the next is because they were showcaseing how Hollywood really was back in the 1930's. The producer is a prime example of this. He would change his mind about what was right for the industry and what wasn't, just for the mere fact he want to get more money. He was willing to not give credit to Kathy for dubbing Lena becuase in the end it would ultimately cost him more money.

The scene where Kathy and Don have their first encounter show perfectly how still to this day Hollywood people are, well most. Don took on this arrogant attiude towards Kathy, acting as though it was so hard for him to find love in such a hectic life as his. While on the other hand you have Kathy trying to pretend she didn't care for the movies and was straight out lying that she was a actress of the stage. This showed how these people are always just putting on a show, no matter how big their audience may be.

Singin' in the Rain may not be my favorite musical (nothing will ever compare to West Side Story for me), but it certainly is one that I can watch over and over again. Musicals are for a certain taste, but I can't see why everyone couldn't fall in love with this film, even if it was only for the mere fact that Gene Kelly got to dance.

1 comment:

  1. You know, it's kind of paradoxical to say that the point of the film's artificiality was just to show reality. That's counterintuitive, but also really interesting and worth wrangling with.
